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Below is a file showing the extra curricular activities planned by Werrington Primary School. This is a representative guide only and alterations are made during the year. These activities are mainly run by the school staff however we do have other providers known to us who offer after school opportunities. Some clubs are only available to certain age groups. We publish a list of clubs that are running at the beginning of each term. All clubs require a parental permission and contact sheet which are available throughout the year, and can be downloaded below.

For further information please contact the school office on 01733 571779.

Werrington Primary School

Dear Parents/Carers,

Club Information

Please read the following information about joining and being in a club.

Consent forms

Please complete a school consent form for all clubs. For Premier Sport clubs you will also need to complete the application form on line and pay on line. This enables us to have an up to date register and contact and collection information. A separate form is required for each child and each club. As Country Dancing is a continuing club, a new form will only be needed if the contact information has changed. Forms can be found in the entrance area to the school office and on the school website.

Club Dates and times

The clubs vary a great deal in their start and end dates and times. Please look at these VERY carefully.

Collection of children after a club

As clubs finish at different times please check the finish times shown on the programme so that you can ensure that children are collected on time. The person collecting a child must come into the playground to enable the teacher to hand the child over. If your child is in year 5 or 6 and can go home unaccompanied please ensure that you show this on the consent form.

We understand that occasionally there may be unforeseen circumstances which result in a parent being delayed but persistent lateness of 3 or more occasions will result in your child’s place being withdrawn.

Places at clubs

Children will be put on the register of a club on receipt of a completed consent form until the club is full. Slips will be sent home confirming a place or informing you that your child is on the waiting list in case a place becomes available during the term.

Club attendance

Please contact the school office if for any reason your child is unable to attend a club. If a child fails to attend for more than two consecutive weeks the place will be given to the next child on the waiting list.

If you wish to withdraw your child from a club please inform the member of staff in writing so that they can be removed from the register.

Club cancellation

Every effort will be made to ensure that a club can run.  This may involve staff covering a colleague’s absence or additional staff being involved to run a club. There are some unavoidable occasions when clubs will be cancelled for example in a week where parent/carer consultations take place or illness on the day itself.  Parents will be notified by parentpay or phone as appropriate, as quickly as possible, of any sessions that need to be cancelled.

Details of the clubs can always be found on the website.

Thank you for your help in making sure the clubs run effectively. If you need any information please contact the school office.

Yours sincerely,

School Office