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In Early Years and Key Stage 1, much of the focus is on phonics. As children move through the school, they will begin to focus more on spelling rules and patterns in lessons linked to the national curriculum.

As part of the National Curriculum children are expected to learn compulsory lists of spellings – usually ones which are used a lot or may be tricky to spell. It is expected that all children will be able to spell these words by the time they leave school in Year 6. We are teaching the Y3/4/5/6 lists through our regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons.

In addition there are two sets of high frequency words and common exception words which are taught in KS1. By the beginning of Year 3 all children should be able to spell the words on these lists. These word lists can be found below.

The children have weekly spelling tests and these will contain both high frequency words and words which have specific spelling rules. We use Spelling Shed as a new initiative to help our children with their spelling. Each child has a personal log in and will be assigned their own spellings to practice along with other lists that may become available. The children can access their Spelling Shed account both in and out of school to practice their spellings. If you are unsure of your child's log in then please ask their class teacher. 

Spelling is an essential life skill and we commit to ensuring all of our children have the opportunity to access this skill. Practising spellings at home is a fantastic way to help your child develop their learning further.